Click to Book a Ear Candling - $45
Relax away wax. The perfect way to clean your ears without using a Q-tip. Ear candling uses a hollow wax candle to suction wax from the ear. When the hollow candle creates a suction action that draws out the wax and debris from the ear.
Energy Therapy Session
Be cleansed with divine energy. Treatment will consist of Reiki, Qigong, 9 Breath method, guided meditation and other divine energy therapy forms. You'll feel the energy and warmth emitting from your therapist's hands. Great for emotional cleansing, balancing, emotional clarity, restoration of happiness, resetting chakras, reducing pain, stress, discomfort, bringing relaxation and much more!
Click Here to Purchase
Growth Conditioning Coconut Oil Scalp Treatment
Want to see an inch worth of growth or more within a week or just promote hair growth in general? Our treatment uses all-natural warm ingredients and massage to stimulate hair growth and better circulation to the hair follicles. Your growth will be noticeable by the end of your treatment series.
For the maximum and proper amount of growth, treatments should finish your series within a week to a week and a half. For the absolute best results, treatment should be done every day for 7 days.
Click Here to Book a Foot Detox - $45
The foot detox works by using gentle negative ions to course through the body collecting toxic substances. This treatment is used to help increase energy, detox the body of toxins (pollutants, chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, etc), balance the pH, reduce inflammation, cleanse the body of parasites, aid in significant pain relief (gout and arthritic pains) including headaches, reduce wrinkles, acne and other skin problems (dark circles under the eyes) and reduce menstrual pain/PMS
Click Here to Book a 30 Min Sound Bath - $65
Click Here to Book a 60 Min Sound Bath - $125
Relax and restore your sense of self and divine peace with our sound meditation sessions! During your ascension we will play a variety of instruments to help you release negative thoughts/energies and to being you to a state of meditative enlightening! A few of the instruments include: crystal singing bowls, ocean drum and chimes!
Click Here to Book a Eyebrow Tinting - $35
Eyebrow tinting involves carefully dying the brows with safe, natural tints, to give them a natural, luscious, darker appearance. Many different eyebrow tint colors (including blues, browns, blacks and greys) are available so we can complement your skin and hair color accordingly. This service is ideal for someone looking to darken their brows or match their brows to their desired hair color. It is also ideal to darken light brows to give the face a more defined look while complimenting your eyes and other features.
Click Here to Book a Eyelash Tinting - $30
Eyelash tinting is great to emphasize the lashes, giving the face a more feminine look. If you have light lashes, this treatment is ideal for you. Imagine not having to apply mascara every day to darken your lashes! After this treatment, that's a step you can skip for a while. Let us emphasize your beautiful eyes and lashes.
15 min
45 US dollars2 hr 15 min
232 US dollars2 hr 45 min
383 US dollars45 min
45 US dollars30 min
55 US dollars30 min
75 US dollars1 hr
110 US dollars2 hr 30 min
150 US dollars1 hr 30 min
175 US dollars30 min
55 US dollars30 min
75 US dollars1 hr
135 US dollars30 min
80 US dollars3 hr
250 US dollars20 min
20 US dollars1 hr
Price Varies by ServLoading days...
30 min
35 US dollars2 hr
275 US dollars2 hr
275 US dollars